Ultima modificare: 22 October 2024.

Folder Declaratie de avere si interese 2021


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pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Tudusciuc Mihaela (214 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Vulpe Lenuta (208 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Popa David Ionut (193 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Tanasa Ciprian (209 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 35 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Tudusciuc Lucian (207 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Palalae Vasile (216 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Parnavel Cosmin Andrei (180 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Maftei Mihail Sebastian (177 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Maftei Petronela Andreea (183 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Ionascu Florin (214 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Lacatus Gheorghe (174 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Gisca Adrian (170 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 35 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Grigoras Cici (210 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Grigoruta Gabriela (170 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Dobos Lica Irinel (159 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Esanu Doru (196 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Damian Elena (201 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Dandes Sandu (183 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Berghiu Cosmin Constantin (144 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 35 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese 2021 Chirvasa Virginia (222 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 36 KB)


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    Vaslui, România
  • tel: 0235-345106
    fax: 0235-345170
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Despre comuna Deleni

Asezare, Suprafata:
Deleni este localiatea asezata la intersectia paralelei 46o 37o lat N cu meridianul de 27o 41´ long E.
Componenta a judetului Vaslui, comuna Deleni se situeaza in spatiul sud-vestic al resedintei de judet, la o distanta de numai 13 km.

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